Colt Trooper Mark Iii Serial Numbers

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The numbers #1 to about 84616 cover the 357 model and the.357 Magnum Trooper. So, production dating depends on both the caliber and the serial number. To further confuse things, in 1969 the Old Model Trooper models were discontinued and replaced by the Trooper Mark III, and later in the 1980's by the Trooper Mark V. These later guns however.

Photos & Information
Disassembly Instructions
Parts Identification
Production Dates
Colt Official Police Production Information
in same serial number range as Army Special
also Mk III series, Lawman, Metropolitan, Officers Model Match and Trooper
YearSerial Number RangeYearSerial Number Range
End Officers Model Match



  • Colt Trooper Mk III Value. This is a discussion on Colt Trooper Mk III Value within the Guns forums, part of the Gun Forum category; Found a Colt Trooper mkiii.357 for sale locally. I would say 95% condition, blued, 6 inch barrel. The owner wants $500.
  • A check of the serial number says it was made in 1980. It has the standard adjustable rear sight and ejector shroud. It is finished in Colt Guard matte nickel finish. Oddly it has two ventilation cuts on the 4 inch barrel. I have seen the MK V and Python with ventilation cuts but never on the Trooper MK III.

A common first question for a Colt owner is 'When wasmy Colt made'.The second questionis often 'What Colt do I have'?

And therein lies a real can of worms.

Before you can determine when a Colt was made, you firsthave to determine WHAT Colt model you have.

This can be a most difficult question to answer.

First, identifying a Colt revolver can be frustratingbecause beginning in 1840 Colt always started each new model at serial number'1', and progressed upward until the model was discontinued, OR untilthe mid-1960's when the serial number system changed to meet Federal law.

Since all Colt's started off at number '1' it'spossible to have a number of older Colt firearms all with the same serialnumber.

In 1968 the Gun Control of 1968 was passed.This law mandated that from then on all newfirearms had to have a serial number and that number had to be unique.

Colt Trooper Mark Iii Holster

To comply with the law, Colt began adding letters to theserial numbers as prefixes and suffixes to make each firearm have a uniquenumber.

An added issue is Colt's often confusing serial numbersystem.Colt often mixed several modelsin the same serial number ranges or split models out by caliber.

During the mid-1950's the serial number data is so mixed asto be almost incomprehensible.

As example you may have a model of revolver made in .22 andin .38 Special, with the .22 revolver serial numbers mixed with a differentmodel Colt, and the .38 caliber version of that model in yet a different modelrange.

Even after Colt began using unique serial numbers in the1960's, Colt often combined a number of models into one serial number range.

As example in the late 1960's Colt started combining allsmall 'D' frame models like the Detective Special, Cobra, Agent,Diamondback, Viper, Police Positive Special, etc in the same serial numberranges.

Because of Colt's serial number systems it may not bepossible to identify what model a Colt is based on just the number.

Since many of these guns used the exact same barrel exceptfor the model name stamped on it, we have situations where an owner isconvinced he has a rare, unknown model of aluminum frame DetectiveSpecial.

Colt trooper mk iii prices

In fact, he doesn't. What he has is an aluminum frame Cobrasomeone installed a Detective Special barrel on.

When he attempts to determine when his Colt was made, itcomes back as a totally different model than what is stamped on the barrel.

Since these guns shared the same serial number ranges, itcan be quite confusing as to just what you have.

The problem with identifying a Colt is that Colt onlystamped the model name on the barrel.Most Colt revolvers had the same thread size and it was often possibleto install a barrel from a totally different model on a frame.

Since the frame had no identifying name and often sharedserial numbers with a totally different model, identifying what Colt model youhave can be almost impossible in some cases.

357 colt trooper mark iii

In fact, he doesn't. What he has is an aluminum frame Cobrasomeone installed a Detective Special barrel on.

When he attempts to determine when his Colt was made, itcomes back as a totally different model than what is stamped on the barrel.

Since these guns shared the same serial number ranges, itcan be quite confusing as to just what you have.

The problem with identifying a Colt is that Colt onlystamped the model name on the barrel.Most Colt revolvers had the same thread size and it was often possibleto install a barrel from a totally different model on a frame.

Since the frame had no identifying name and often sharedserial numbers with a totally different model, identifying what Colt model youhave can be almost impossible in some cases.

Years ago gun parts were terribly expensive and often almostimpossible to obtain.A gun owner or evengunsmith couldn't just log on or call up a big parts house and order the partshe needed.

Since parts were so difficult to get, it was common forbarrels from other models to be used as replacements.Most people were happy to get their gun repaired and since thebarrel was entirely usable, most people didn't care that the gun was one modelbut the barrel was marked as something else.

When you have anomalous information and just aren't surewhat you have, then is when you need the experts and that's the experts on theColt Forum.

In most cases they can help you identify exactly what modelof Colt you have.Then you can proceedto determine when it was made.

This leads us to HOW to determine when your Colt was made.

Colt Trooper Mark Iii Flaws

There are several ways.

The first source is the Colt Firearms Company.

Colt now has a serial number look-up data base on their website.You plug in the serial number andit will give you a list of guns it could be.Since the data base seems to be a work in progress, many newer modelsmay not be listed.

Colt Trooper Mark Iii Serial Numbers

Here is where problems may first appear when the data basedoesn't list what you think your Colt is, or returns no information.

If that doesn't return valid data, you can call Colt duringnormal business hours and they will give you a production date over the phone.

Note that they won't give you any more information.For that you have to buy a Colt ArchiveLetter.

Colt Trooper Mark Iii Grips

Also note that the people working the phones are rushed, maynot be totally familiar with Colt models and have been known to give outincorrect information.

Another source of information online is

Colt Trooper Mk Iii Serial Number Location

This site has a data base that ends in 1979, so any Coltmade after that won't be covered:

R.L. Wilson is the last outsider to have access to the ColtArchive, and he has Colt serial number listings in several books andbooklets.His book 'Colt: AnAmerican Legend' has all Colt serial numbers for all models from 1836 into1986 along with magnificent color photos of every Colt firearm model made since1836.

On his web site he sells 'The Blue Book Pocket GuideFor Colt Dates of Manufacture' that goes into 2008.

Last, you can ask for help on the Colt Forum where a gooddeal of data is available from the members.

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